Patti Tobias is a passionate and experienced Behavioral Health and Justice Consultant. Since January 1, 2025, Ms. Tobias has been a consultant with
The Leifman Group working with states and communities to develop behavioral health and justice solutions. Ms. Tobias retired in 2024 from the
National Center for State Courts (NCSC) Court Consulting Services Division after almost ten years as a Principal Court Management Consultant. Ms. Tobias has experience working in a wide variety of national, statewide, and local projects including those involving leadership and governance, caseflow management, strategic planning, child welfare, criminal justice reform and improving the justice system response to individuals with mental illness. She works with national court organizations and often presents at state and national conferences.
Ms. Tobias served as the NCSC Team Lead and Senior Adviser to the National Judicial Task Force to Examine the State Courts’ Response to Mental Illness.
The State Courts Leading Change Report and Recommendations highlights this significant body of work. Whether as a facilitator, speaker or consultant, Ms. Tobias continues to guide improvements and supports courts, communities and behavioral health entities to collaborate and improve outcomes for individuals, reduce costs, and improve public safety.
Prior to becoming a Principal Court Management Consultant, Ms. Tobias served as the
Administrative Director of the Idaho Courts for 20+ years, from November 1993 to August 2014. Working with 5 Chief Justices during her tenure, her administrative office was responsible for all statewide improvements, policy and practices, operations and relationships with the Executive and Legislative Branches of government, as well as the Counties and Cities. She previously served as the
Clerk of the Court, St. Louis County, a metropolitan trial court in Missouri from 1986-1993;
Director of the Court Services Division, one of only four divisions in the Office of the State Courts Administrator, Missouri Supreme Court from 1980-1986; and as an
Adult and Juvenile Probation Officer, Champaign County Circuit Court, Illinois from 1976-1979.
Ms. Tobias served as President of the Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) and as Vice-Chair of the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) Board of Directors (2002-2003) and on the Council of State Governments’ Justice Center Board of Directors (2009-2011). She received the NCSC’s Warren E. Burger Award for Administrative Excellence, 2012; the Robert L. Doss, Jr., Memorial Scholarship, 2011; the Justice Management Institute’s Ernest C. Friesen Award of Excellence, 2008; the Idaho State Bar’s Award of Distinction, 2003; the Idaho Public Policy Leadership Award, 2003; and the Idaho Kramer Award for Excellence in Judicial Administration, 2001. Ms. Tobias received her Master of Science in Judicial Administration (M.S.J.A.) from the University of Denver College of Law and her Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Economics and Political Science from the University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois. She is living in long-term recovery, successfully managing her mental health conditions, and hasn’t used alcohol or drugs since 1986. She is also a member of the Colorado Lived Experience Council as a family member.