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Wednesday, May 21

11:00am EDT

Transforming Early Responses: A Panel discussion on Intercepts 0-1 in Behavioral Health Crisis Responses
Wednesday May 21, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
This panel discussion will explore innovative crisis response and crisis stabilization strategies, focusing on frequent utilizers of emergency services. In addition to insights from our moderator Dr. Margie Balfour, panelists from Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City (including insights from the consent decree), Prince George’s County, Mid Shore to include the following counties (Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne and Talbot) and Washington County will share their experiences and best practices in handling crisis situations. The conversation will also address the role of hospital emergency departments in managing crises and how local jurisdictions collaborate to divert individuals from unnecessary emergency room visits. At the state level, the discussion will highlight GOCPP's crisis intervention team (CIT) centers of excellence showcasing successful models and resources. Participants will gain valuable insights into effective systems for managing and stabilizing crises, particularly for those who frequently engage with emergency services.

avatar for Margie Balfour, MD, PhD

Margie Balfour, MD, PhD

Chief of Quality & Clinical Innovation, Connections Health Solutions
Dr. Margie Balfour is a psychiatrist and national leader in quality improvement and behavioral health crisis services.  She is the Chief of Quality and Clinical Innovation at Connections Health Solutions, which provides 24/7 access to mental health and substance use care throughout... Read More →

Kathyrn (Katie) Dilley, LCSW-C

Chief Executive Officer, Mid Shore Behavioral Health

Casey Crowley, LCSW-C

Program Director, Mobile Crisis Services, Sheppard Pratt

Jen Corbin

Crisis Response System Director, Anne Arundel County Police

Lieutenant Steve Thomas

CIT Peer and Support Coordinator, Anne Arundel County Police

Timothy Jansen, LMSW

Chief Executive Officer, Community Crisis Services, Inc.

James H. Rhoden

Assistant Director, Centers of Excellence Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy

Rachel Ames

Mental Health Coordinator, Centers of Excellence Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy
Wednesday May 21, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Turf Valley-Grand Ballroom

2:45pm EDT

Panel Discussion: Innovative Approaches in Maryland Intercepts 2-3
Wednesday May 21, 2025 2:45pm - 4:00pm EDT
This session will showcase innovative practices and collaborations in behavioral health and criminal justice, with a focus on Anne Arundel, Caroline, Carroll, Montgomery, and St. Mary’s counties. These jurisdictions will highlight their work in criminogenic screening and risk assessments, sharing insights into how these tools are used to improve outcomes and inform interventions. Additionally, the session will spotlight evidence-based practices at both the local and national level, drawing attention to successful diversion models and approaches being implemented across the country. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of emerging strategies and best practices that can be applied in their own communities.

avatar for Richard Schwermer

Richard Schwermer

Utah State Court Administrator (Ret.), The Leifman Group
Richard Schwermer has been involved in all aspects of court administration for over 35 years. First as a state level trial court administrator, then as a legislative liaison and Assistant State Court Administrator, he retired as the Utah State Court Administrator in 2019.Since that... Read More →

Heather L. Price

Administrative Judge, Circuit Court for Caroline County

Cara Lewis

Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland for Carroll County

Veronica Dietz, LCSW-C

Director of Crisis Services, Carroll County Health Department Bureau of Prevention, Wellness & Recovery

Ben Stevenson, M.Ed, MDE

Director, Montgomery County Government | Department of Correction and Rehabilitation
Wednesday May 21, 2025 2:45pm - 4:00pm EDT
Turf Valley-Grand Ballroom
Statewide Summit on Behavioral Health: An Opportunity for Collaborative Change
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